Before you make any big decisions like hiring a debt settlement company to attempt to settle your debts, it’s important that you understand how it works, what you’re getting into, and the other options you may have. Debt settlement can have a big impact on your personal finances let’s talk…
How Many Credit Reports Do You Have and Which One Matters Most?
By now you know that it’s a smart move to regularly review your credit report. You might wonder, though, which credit report is the best one to review or which one a creditor (or employer, or landlord) will see. You have many different credit reports In the U.S. there are…
How lenders use FICO® Scores
90% of top U.S. lenders use FICO® Scores when making lending decisions When you apply for credit—whether it’s for a credit card, car loan, mortgage or other type of credit—lenders will want to know your credit risk. That is, they’ll want to know how likely you are to pay back your…
Credit Scores
Ever wonder how a lender decides whether to grant you credit? For years, creditors have been using credit scoring systems to determine if you’d be a good risk for credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages. These days, other types of businesses — including auto and homeowners insurance companies and phone…